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Advance brewing and sensory course

Duration – 6 Days

Course Includes :
  • Coffee bean selection: Understanding different types of coffee beans, their origins, and flavor
  • Grind size and consistency: Learning how grind size affects extraction and flavor.
  • Water quality and temperature: Exploring the importance of water quality and temperature in
  • Brewing methods: Mastering various brewing methods such as pour-over, French press,
    espresso, AeroPress, etc.
  • Brew ratios: Understanding the relationship between coffee-to-water ratios and flavor
  • Brewing equipment: Familiarizing yourself with different brewing equipment and their usage.
  • Tasting and sensory evaluation: Developing your palate to identify flavors and nuances in
  • Troubleshooting: Learning how to troubleshoot common brewing problems and adjust
    variables for better results.
What will you learn ?

In a coffee brewing course, you’ll typically learn about:

  1. Coffee Origins: Understanding where coffee beans come from and how different region produce distinct flavors.
  2. Bean Selection: Learning how to choose the right beans for different brewing methods and preferences.
  3. Grinding: Mastering the art of grinding coffee beans to the appropriate size for various brewing techniques.
  4. Brewing Methods:Exploring different brewing methods such as pour-over, French press, espresso, AeroPress, etc., including their techniques and nuances.
  5. Water Quality and Temperature:Understanding the impact of water quality and temperature on the final taste of coffee.
  6. Brew Ratios:Learning about coffee-to-water ratios and how they affect flavor extraction.
  7. Equipment Usage: Familiarizing yourself with different brewing equipment like grinders, scales,
  8. Tasting and Sensory Evaluation: Developing your palate to identify flavors, aromas, andnuances in coffee through cupping sessions and tasting exercises.
  9. Troubleshooting: Learning how to diagnose and solve common brewing problems to improveyour brewing skills.

Overall, these courses provide a comprehensive understanding of coffee brewing, from bean to
cup, and help you refine your techniques to brew the perfect cup of coffee

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